A Tale of Two Swimmers’ Shoulders

“Shoulder pain victims” can identify one another in the gym. They see each other doing the same exercises that they themselves have tried because that’s what the Google result told them to do.

But a lot of those people will still be dealing with their shoulder pain after 6-weeks of doing “the right” exercises for shoulder pain.

Why is that? Because all shoulder pain is not caused by the same problem.

How Much is Too Much?

It’sthat time of year, again! Timefor those dreaded New Year’s Resolutions. Howmany times have you made a resolution to get something done only tofall short of your goal? I’ve been there many times as well. Itcan be tough to stick to a new goal, a new schedule, or a change ofroutine. Ifyou’re even a little […]

High Pain Tolerance = 2 Strikes Against You?

This week I was reminded of just how resilient we are as humans. I had a new patient, who happens to be a nurse, who came in because of back pain that limited her from doing certain activities. Those activities were pretty important to her…namely, being able to care for her grandchildren. She was worried […]

The 5-Minute Fix to Your Problem

Lose 5-pounds in 5-days! Make $500 in just 5-minutes from the comfort of your couch. Have a flatter stomach by Thursday. Fix all your problems in 5-minutes! It all sounds too good to be true…and it is. But we buy into it. We all want the quick-fix. Just the thought of getting more for less, […]